The statutes of Kansas and many other states require that a substance abuse evaluation be conducted on individuals that have been charged with a DUI or other substance abuse offenses.
Evaluations are conducted by state-certified counselors. The session usually lasts between 45 minutes and an hour and involves an interview and pencil and paper test. In some cases, the interviews can be conducted via telephone or tele-video. Urine drug screens are usually not a part of the assessment. At the conclusion of the session, you are informed about the findings of the evaluation and a report is forwarded to your attorney and the court. The recommendations in the report are used by the court to determine the conditions of your diversion or probation. We provide fair, objective, and professional evaluations.
Evaluation fees may vary, depending on the offense and the court. To find out the exact cost of an assessment, for your particular situation, call or e-mail Assessment Services.